Monday, 18 March 2013

Photos of the sky 05/03 - 17/03

All the photos on this post have been taken from my phone, which is strangely better than my camera. They are all took in Blackburn between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm between the 5th and 17th of March. Some are more successful than others, which I plan to print and put in my project sketchbook. And possibly print onto acetate and mount onto light boxes as part of my final piece. 

The photos up until this point aren't particularly successful, as they were taking through a window in car. Although the photo quality is poor the patterns of the clouds looks really cool. 

Again, I'm not keen on this set of photos, as there is a lot of other things going on in the photo and really I want as much sky as possible. 

I really like these three photos. I like the colour of the sky in the first one, its got a very slight hint of purple in it, which is my favourite colour.

The second has like a parting between clouds, which would look really good as a print of a light and I like how the edges of the clouds are highlighted by the light of the sun.

The third one is mostly covered which I don't usually like. But in the photo it looks really sinister and creepy.

These photos are all a bit samey, but I'm going to try and mimic them with paint because they all look really textured and as before I like how the clouds are highlighted by the sun.

I honestly think this sky looks like a painting, by Constable or something. It would be an amazing photo if it was just the sky with nothing in front of it. 

I love this photo, even with the houses in front I think it looks really cool especially were the sun it. It looks like its been shattered and left because of how the clouds have formed. 

Apart from the first on these were all took on my street, and I think they are the best photos on this enter blog. I really want to use these in whatever way I can for my FMP. Whether it be using the actual photos or using them as inspiration for a painting. 

I found a good website to refer to relating to sky photos:

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