Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Helen Frankenthaler

Frankenthaler pours paint on a large scale to create her work. Although mine are on small canvas' the technique is still the same. She will just spend a lot more money on paint than I do. I'm not particularly keen on her work style, but I do appreciate the style in which she does it.

Morris Louis

I looked at Pollock due to how he used paint, I've researched Morris Louis because of the way he makes his paintings look, they look like they have been poured. But I think they were really made by using precise techniques. There too perfect for them to of been done any other way.

Jackson Pollock

I've looked at Jackson Pollock, because of the way he uses paint, it looks as though its been dropped on, which is similar to how I've done my canvas' with pouring paint onto them.


This is my final creation, its massive, which in its self is a risk:
 It could be difficult to peel off because I've had to stick several sheets of perspex together in order to make it big enough.
There's a chance it maybe too small. PVA is unpredictable in the way it spreads, so there is a chance that some edges may not reach. 
Its also taking up a full table and two boards so someone may move it, I hope not though because if it moves the brusho may spread where I don't want it two which could make it one big mess.
I've had to put the creation near a window, for two reasons: its only got till Friday to dry, and its the only place thats out of the way. This leaves a chance of something blowing on to and if no ones watching it, it could end up sticking. 
I've never worked on this scale so I'm hoping the brusho and the glue still react the same as they do on small scale.

If none of these things happen I may have a decent final piece, fingers crossed.

I've uploaded some pictures of the piece after I've just applied the brusho, at the moment I like it, lets hope it doesn't change to drastically as it dries.

Once dry I am putting the creation on this light box which I am currently painting white, so it'll match the rest of the exhibition. I hope they fit together. My plan is to hang the light box on the wall and have it lit during the exhibition with my creation in front of it.

2 weeks later the light box is painted, and PVA creation has finally dried. As it was really difficult to peel the PVA off the acetate base, and I was really scared it might snap so I made the decision to just cut around the acetate. Luckily I left it another day and for some reason it peeled off the acetate fine. 

Now it comes to sticking the PVA onto the light box. It fits really nicely, other than a few gaps which I actually quite like. I need to stick the PVA with something I can later peel off, so the light box can be reused. Jo suggested double sided sticky tape. Like a fool I just stuck the sticky tape on the light box without even testing if you could see it though the PVA or not. Which you could. I went through with it anyway because I couldn't peel the tape off. Luckily its not that noticeable once the light is on. I'm never rushing into anything again. 

So now all is left is trimming the excess PVA, that goes over the edges of the box. I first tried with some paper scissors, as the were the only ones I could find. They were rubbish. So I went on a hunt around the college to find sharper ones, no one had any anywhere. So, I ask Jamie to help me out. Oh dear!!!!!! 
Jamie got a Stanley knife and offered to do it for me. The light box was on the floor, so Jamie knelt down to trim the edges. He had got the first two edges done, and then got to the third. As he started on the edge he told me to mind my legs, as there is main arteries in your legs. So I moved out the way. Then before I know it, the edge of the PVA snaps off Jamie's arm goes flying, the knife falls to the floor, Jamie then looks up at me with this blank expression. All I could say was:
'You haven't have you?'
He had, the Stanley knife had gone right into his thigh. Well I just panicked didn't I? Jamie just got up and got help, why couldn't I of done that?! So, anyway Jo decided that Jamie would need to go to the hospital. You could see right to his flesh! I was so worried. 
Once he'd left I went into town and bought him some chocolates and some plasters. I then waited in college till he returned, not really able to concentrate. During this time Bill, the brave soul finished off trimming my PVA for me. At about 3.30 I saw Jamie again, what a trooper. He had to wait in A & E for and hour, had 7 stiches, and still came back into college. That's devotion, I've gained even more respect for him, and everyone else should of too. I don't know anyone that would power on and come back in. 

My light box is finished and I am so proud, even though it caused trauma along the way. 

I might sound a bit big headed but I can't fault it. It's turned out better than I ever imagined it would. I love how there is cracks in the colour, and how some of the colours blend together, and how others stand out. It gives it depth. Oh I'm so happy!! I think this would look great as a stand alone piece, but I have got my other canvas' to put up, but they might let it down. We will see when its up.

This is my final PVA creation hung and lit. It looks great. Everyone's commented on it, so I'm not just delusional.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

2nd lot of Pouring Paint

I don't think this was quite as successful, but a couple of canvas have turned out ok. But I'll know for sure when they are dry.

These are the canvas' dry:

To say this was just the canvas dripped on by the others its turned out quite well. I like how the colours curve around each other rather than blending together.

I'm not too sure about this one, when I first did it I wasn't sure how it would turn out. Its less like a sky that the others, but its interesting to look at.

I like this one, the white paint definitely resembles clouds, and the red and orange break the piece up nicely. It reminds me of the sea with how the paint has shaped.

This one definitely needs more working into. It looks a bit washed out, unlike the others, I'm guessing this is because the paint wasn't poured on as thick as on the other canvas'.

I think this is my favourite of the canvas' I did yesterday. I like the colours, its really bright and vibrant as the yellow reminds me of sun rays. 

I'm not too keen on this one. I like the colours, but the thick blotches of white in between them puts me off. It doesn't look as smooth as the others.

I really like this one, I like the colours, its really sunny and I like how they have ran into each other. This canvas actually encouraged me into using more white paint in the next few.