Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Sky Photos 20/4/13

These were all took at about 3/4pm on Saturday, which was a really nice day. I really like how all of these have turned out, and I'm going to edit some, and see how that might look. They were on took on my 12 mega pixel kodak camera, on the sunset setting. 

I particularly like this one simply because of the way the sky fades in colour from the top of the image to the bottom. 

This is supposed to be the moon, its too small to recognize, but I think it could of made an interesting photo had it been bigger. 


What a difference two days makes, although these were a bit later in the day (6:00pm) they are really dull compared to the earlier ones. 

Richard suggested taking photos with features that divided up the image, so I took this. I really like it actually. Its so simple, but works, I'm going to edit it and see if I can make it more interesting.  

The rest of the photos are ok, but a bit samey and I think they lack colour, making them fairly boring. 

Harris Gallery

At the start of the project I went to the Harris to gather some contextual research. Unfortunately the photos haven't come out great because I took them on my phone. 

This one is probably one of the best as you can see that its a cloud, and get an idea of how paint can create an illusion of texture. 

I quite like this one, it looks a bit like a photo. I also like how looks abstract even though its took from a very normal landscape piece. 

This one looks worn and old, which creates a nice effect, gives the painting more story. 

It might be worth me going back to the Harris with a better camera, but paintings are really hard to photograph well, so its probably easier to print them from the internet.